Seattle Culture

Who’s Behind the Mask? Turns Out, You Can Choose Your Own Anesthesiologist
A new trend in surgery: More patients are powering up and insisting on pain management by a pre-sele
Last year, at age 50, Grace* was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in three years. She was scheduled for a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, and would likely be in surgery for about 13 hours. “It was scary,” Grace says. “Especially the anesthesia consult several weeks prior, where they tell you that…

Local Medical Breakthroughs that Save Lives and Speed Recovery
From incredible eye-socket brain life-changing treatment for a very common malady...loc
Brain surgery via the eye socketAs both Harborview Medical Center’s chief of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and a University of Washington professor of head and neck surgery, Dr. Kris Moe blends some rather unique skills. That combination of training got him thinking about a new way to operate on patients with some types of…

Explore Seattle’s Urban Architectural Ruins
Eight relics of Seattle’s past are hidden in plain sight.
In this town, we spend a lot of time fretting (and arguing and voting) about what the Seattle of the future will look like. Meanwhile, physical evidence of our city’s forgotten past looms all around us. The Underground Tour is an obvious example, but while historically fascinating, it’s perhaps not where you want to be…

Cool the Kiddies Off at One of These Nifty Local Spraygrounds
Also in this month's Parental Guidance report: Pinata classes and a thrifty stylin' smocks.
WATERWAYSOur sunny summer days are precious—and so are the moments we spend cooling off from the heat. Sure, you can hit a lake or a pool, but why not mix it up? Consider these five “spraygrounds” for an afternoon of free fun. North Lynnwood Neighborhood ParkLynnwood, 18510 44th Ave. assets: A submarine, a whale…

The UW’s Medical Herb Garden is in Full Bloom
The strolling's good (but touching is bad!) at this century-old garden.
Originally planted by the University of Washington School of Pharmacy in 1911, the Medicinal Herb Garden has survived budget cuts and campus expansion, as well as a post–World War II shift in national preference from herbal to synthetic medicines. Now maintained by the UW Department of Biology, under the care of curator and gardener Keith…

Meet your Maker: Adam Stern, Seattle Symphony Guest Conductor
Stern conducts live scores for classic movies in the upcoming series.
ARTIST: Adam Stern, seattle symphony guest conductor SPECIALTY: Conducting for the “symphonic cinema” program, in which the music is removed from a famous film (the dialogue remains) and the live orchestra plays the score as the movie screens overhead. PERFORMANCES: Stern is conducting live scores for Casablanca (7/6 & 7/8) and The Wizard of Oz…

Kelley Moore’s Waterside Farm Picnic
A new floating farmers' market docking weekly at Lake Union creates a scenic backdrop for a fresh, c
It has finally arrived: that golden summer moment when local fruits—from cherries to blueberries—are ripe and ready to eat, and we spend weekends perusing our neighborhood farmers’ market for salad greens. Celebrate the bounty of the season with a farm-to-table dinner that lets the produce take center stage. Using ingredients from the new FarmBoat (,…

Antiquers Meet DIY Thrifters in Snohomish
New coffeehouses and vintage-style boutiques breathe new life into downtown Snohomish.
Historic Snohomish (located a 45-minute drive northeast of Seattle) has long been a destination for classic antiques, but a popular new antique mall—plus a slew of vintage-style boutiques and a cozy new coffeehouse—has helped breathe new life into a four-block stretch of First Street downtown, transforming it into a paradise for every lover of old…

Business Owners Protest Seattle’s Plan to Amp Up Bike Access on City Streets
Seattle’s Bicycle Master Plan draws fire from business owners, who say creating bike lanes makes ind
Last summer, Seattle put Nickerson Street on a “diet.” The four-lane road was chopped down to two, with the sacrificed lanes becoming a center turn lane and a pair of bicycle lanes, one on either side. Many people were unhappy that the city Department of Transportation (DOT) eliminated auto lanes on busy N Queen Anne…

How Seattle Measures Up Against 1962 Predictions
Predictions for the growth of ‘Pugetopolis’ were off—but not always by much.
Fifty years ago this summer, Seattle was in the middle of a major transformation. Planners were rushing to build the first World’s Fair in America since World War II. Construction was under way on a second floating bridge across Lake Washington, and the I-5 freeway was marching toward the Canadian border. Seattle was being spruced…

Dream Big: Seattle Mag Wants to Hear Your Big Idea For Improving Seattle
We want to hear what your one big dream is for Seattle. Share it and we might publish it!
What if you were in charge of Seattle—and had unlimited funds? What one single thing would you do to improve our city? Your answer can describe a project or idea that corrects a problem, rectifies a missed opportunity or creates an exciting new vision for our city. It can be as realistic (or as unrealistic!)…

Bicycle Diaries: Essentials for Bike Commuting
In this series we ask Todd Sheer for some tips and tricks for making bike commuting a little easier.
Here are Greg’s “essentials” for bike commuting: “I was thinking about some of the “essentials” for bike commuting. It’s easy to find the list of the best lights or the best jacket or the easiest panniers, but here are some of my tricks for making bike commuting routine a little easier (or I should say…

Bicycle Diaries: Shopping for Groceries on Your Bike
In this series we ask Roddy Sheer for some tips and tricks for making bike commuting a little easier
As part of my ongoing series this month on urban bike commuting, I have pledged to do all my grocery shopping by bicycle. With a couple of tester panniers from Seattle-based Detours to help distribute my load, I am ready to roll. Last week on my initial bicycle grocery run to a Safeway a mile…
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