September/October 2022

The Five Biggest Lies in Seattle Sports
Some famous and obscure whoppers
Fibbing is a part of American sports. Athletes habitually fudge their height by an inch or two. Coaches are less than forthcoming about the extent of a player’s injury. Contract negotiations are always shrouded in secrecy. There is a difference between being less than completely honest and telling a lie of the bald-faced variety, though….

University of Washington alumni create Seattle and PNW-themed games
Time to test your knowledge of local trivia
Tacoma aroma. Team Edward. Aggressive vegan sidewalk chalk. Know what those are? Even if you don’t, two enterprising recent University of Washington Foster Business School grads are betting you’ll have a lot of fun playing “Down The Ave” and “Keep It PNW,” card games that highlight Seattle and Northwest themes, respectively, in a playful manner. …

Washington State’s Romantic Getaways: Turn Date Night into a Three-Day Weekend
How to combine an intimate escape with cinematic experiences for that much sought-after passionate moment
In the locally beloved movie “10 Things I Hate About You,” Kat and Patrick go on a perfect date. They have seemingly endless time to enjoy, discover, and fall in love playing paintball, taking a paddleboat ride, and finally — that kiss! Unfortunately, reality bites. It’s hard to plan a true couple’s night when work,…

No Need to Wait Until the Holiday Season to Pop These Bubbles From Washington State
The best sparkling wines for fall
Reality check: sparkling wine doesn’t only have to be uncorked during the holidays or hot weather. In fact, it shouldn’t be reserved exclusively for New Year’s Eve while wearing those stupid glasses molded into the shape of numbers and/or enough sequins to power a drag show. Nor should it only be for summertime wedding toasts…

My Father’s Gun: Coming to Terms With a Controversial Weapon
Danny O’Neil’s thoughts on inheriting his father’s gun
Danny O’Neil is a Manhattan resident, but a Northwest native, born in Oregon with the good sense to attend the University of Washington. He covered a basketball team that no longer exists (the Supersonics) for a newspaper that no longer publishes (the “Seattle Post-Intelligencer”) and up until last August, was a sports-radio host at 710…

First Paris Baguette in Washington set to open in 2023
The quick-service restaurant is coming the the Pacific Northwest
Washington state’s first Paris Baguette quick-service restaurant is set to open in early 2023, courtesy of a local businessman and restaurateur hoping to recapture some of his past. Paul Liu, who immigrated to the Seattle area with his family from South Korea when he was 10, developed a fondness for the internationally recognized neighborhood bakery-café…

Seattle-Based Proxi Hopes to Replace Yelp
Entrepreneurs will tell you where to go
Chelsea Roney and Melinda Haughey want to be known as more than just “the fun moms that saved Halloween.” That’s exactly what they did during the pandemic-riddled Halloween of 2020. Inspired by a Seattle-area neighborhood parenting group on Facebook seeking information on “safe” houses for socially distanced trick-or-treating, Roney created a map based on Facebook…

Washington State Ranks No. 4 for Health and Wellness
Washington’s fit bit
Big data says you love the outdoors. You exercise regularly and have an almost religious commitment to vitamins. You have a keen focus on integrative medicine. A comprehensive survey by Life finds that Washington state ranks a lofty No. 4 in the United States for health and wellness. The Florida-based wellness company examined CDC…

Seattle’s Ruinous Media Brings City’s Weirdness to its Music Podcasts
Ruinous Media captures the Seattle experience, and then some
Podcasts are full of murder, mystery, mayhem and sports. Seattle’s Ruinous Media is focusing on another genre, music, with a veritable cast of well-known Seattle characters who tell stories in an engaging and compelling way. Along the way, Ruinous has exported Seattle’s unique brand of “weird” to audiences across the United States and around the…

Time Warp: ‘Seattle’ Magazine Cover Still Relevant, Five Decades Later
Magazine cover from 1968 still applicable today
Rising prices. Concern over firearms. The above cover from “Seattle” magazine is from September 1968, but it’s sadly just as relevant today. At 4.19%, inflation in 1968 was less than half what it is today (9.1% in July), but was rising rapidly. For perspective, an item that cost $1 back then would cost $8.51 today….

Luly Yang Designs Space Needle Employees’ New Uniforms
Luly Yang teams with Space Needle
Next time you visit the Space Needle, you’ll notice something quite different: Internationally recognized fashion designer Luly Yang has brought her distinct style to Seattle’s globally recognized icon. The Luly Yang Design Group – an arm of Luly Yang Couture that designs and manufactures custom-branded corporate uniforms – is creating “one-of-a-kind” uniforms for Space Needle…

Provail Helped My Son Find His Voice
How Provail made a difference for my son
Dear Katie and Provail, As a mother of four children, one of the most memorable moments is when your child says “mommy” for the first time. I didn’t get that with my son, Jordan. At age 2, he lost his speech and was diagnosed with autism soon after. Now 12 years old, our family has…