Rachel Hart

Inside Look: a Deep-Dive at Disney’s Aulani Resort and Spa
You know you’re curious--just how Disney is that that Disney resort in Hawaii?
It’s about this time of year when even the most moisture-tolerant of Pacific Northwesterners start to fray around the edges with the gray and rain. This year’s been especially rough: We did, after all, break the record for our wettest winter on record since records have been kept (1894). Sure, we get our teases of…

Businesses Offer Helping Hand in Wake of Greenwood Explosion
Seattle businesses are rallying to support emergency response workers and Greenwood locales
This month, Seattle magazine spotlights Greenwood on our cover as one of our city’s hottest neighborhoods. We were excited to celebrate this community that’s experiencing a renaissance and are now heartbroken, along with the rest of the city, for the loss of beloved neighborhood gathering spots, Mr Gyros, Quick Stop and Neptune Coffee. We are…

Introducing TigerOak’s Latest Publication, ‘Seattle Luxury Living’
The mag focuses on Seattle’s Chinese newcomers, visitors and investors
One of the most talked-about developments in our community over the past year has been the influx of Chinese residents—and investors—into the city. It’s a topic we explored last January, in a story about how purchases of both commercial and residential real estate are changing Seattle’s and the Eastside’s landscape and neighborhoods. Last September’s visit…

Farewell to the Life of the Party: A Tribute to Ernie Pino
Editor Rachel Hart reflects on the late longtime Seattle magazine society reporter
Seattle celebrated the rich, full life of longtime Seattle magazine writer Ernie Pino at a gathering of more than 700 people at The 5th Avenue Theatre last night. The tributes by people from all aspects of Ernie’s worlds—food, theater, Spanish language translation, Seattle magazine columnist—and the musical numbers performed by his husband Rich Gray’s musical…

Stan Lee on Zombies, Spiderman and the Superhero that got Away
Our exclusive with the genius, just in time for Avengers: Age of Ultron opening weekend
Comic fans around the country just might spontaneously combust this weekend: Saturday, May 2, is Free Comic Book Day and more buzzworthy, the new Marvel Avengers: Age of Ultron movie opens. How about I throw one more log on the fanboy/girl flames with Seattle mag’s exclusive interview with Stan Lee while he was in town…

Top Doctors, Best Outdoor Patios and More July 2014 Issue Picks
It’s the doctor appointment I have to brace myself for every time it comes around. I make the mad dash across town, park the car in the Whale Garage (as the paperwork emphasizes), head through the sliding doors—and take a deep breath. Every time I am at Seattle Children’s, I am completely humbled. I take…

Uncovering Seattle’s Hidden Gems in our June 2014 Issue
You know it. You do it. It’s safe, predictable, even comforting, like that pair of broken-in jeans that give in all the right places (thank goodness). A routine is one of the most powerfully subconscious habits that dominate our lives. Which is why it’s so thrilling to veer off the path and break the pattern…

Top Seattle Coffee Spots: Ballard’s Slate Coffee Roasters
Slate brings sophistication to the daily grind
More of a coffee bar than a coffee shop, Slate Coffee Roasters offers an elegant education in your daily elixir. Chelsey Walker-Watson (who worked for Peet’s Coffee & Tea for 9 years) opened the spare, rustic space a year ago in Frelard with her brother Keenan Walker and mom Lisanne Walker, inspired by the notion…

How to Plan a Detailed Road Trip
Sebastian Simsch made me do it. Well, he didn’t really make me do anything but he definitely lured me onto the open road. While I was catching up with the Seattle Coffee Works owner at his then just-opened Ballard store a couple of years ago, he started telling me about a road trip he had…

The Hart-Rios Family Road Trip: Seattle to San Francisco
Rachel Hart’s shorthand-style, iPhone travelogue highlights from her summer 2013 road trip with her family. (Expect exteme brevity, perhaps more than a few inaccuracies and omissions due to dozing off in the car). Our trip was abridged and modified from Tom Uniack’s amazing itinerary from Seattle to San Diego. Find his itinerary and several others…

The 2014 Best Restaurants Issue
Two years ago, when a third stadium was being pushed hard by Chris Hansen, who wanted to bring the Sonics back home, one of the best comments I heard was from longtime local sports journalist Art Thiel. We discussed the topic at our annual Most Influential People of the Year nomination meeting, and Thiel, who…

The March 2014 Issue: Neighborhood Pride in Seattle
A ZIP code might be a somewhat useless piece of information in the web-o-sphere age, but in Seattle and its environs—an area swelling with hyperlocal neighborhood pride—those five numbers still speak volumes. Make the mistake of assuming a Queen Anne resident lives in 98109 when he or she is a 98119-er and, trust me, you…
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