September 2019

The New ASUW Shell House Will Pay Homage to Its History Through a Restoration
An old UW building where the ‘Boys in the Boat’ hung out has many layers of history, says Knute Berger, who is all for the current effort to restore it to its former glory
Historic photos on the walls of the old ASUW Shell House, including this one, help tell the storied history of the UW crew. This team is from 1945

Backstory: Seattle’s Passion for P-Patches All Started with One Community Garden
Contrary to popular belief, the 'p' doesn’t stand for peas
This article appears in print in the September 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. The Landmark: Seattle’s original P-Patch The Location: Wedgwood, 8040 25th Ave. NE The Backstory: Spread throughout the city are approximately 90 P-Patches, community garden plots where people can rent space to exercise their green thumbs. But while shared plots are common in many dense urban areas, the…

A Ballard Couple Strikes the Perfect Work-life Balance in Their Own Backyard
'Like us, so many people work from home these days, and by converting a garage that we didn’t really use except for storage into an office, we’ve really optimized our work-life balance'
MEET AND GREET: Architects Lauren and Kyle Zerbey converted their home's 1910 garage into this stylish studio for their growing design business, with a conference room for meeting clients a shared work space (below)

Washington State Cheesemaking Is on the Rise
A decade ago, Washington state cheesemakers numbered a mere dozen or so. Now, a group of more than 60 producers are changing what we look for in locally made cheese
BLEATING HEARTS: Lori (left) and Ruth Babcock cuddle up with a few members of the herd on their 21-acre Tieton Farm & Creamery, where they turn their goats’ and sheep’s milk into cheese

These Seattle Shops Help Locals Get Closer to a Zero-Waste Lifestyle
In a culture that has access to excess, a few Seattle shops are raising the bar on what it means to be sustainable by encouraging customers to embrace—or at least aspire to—waste-free living. Here’s what they offer
Eco Collective sells environmentally-conscious goods for home and personal use